
英语:U3 The Million Pound Bank-Note-speaking教案(新人教版必修3).doc

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o salary at all. (2) Whether the bank-not can be spent. (3) Oliver. (4) He wanted nothing. (5) Yes. Because Oliver was her stepfather. (6) No, it was not useful at last. 3. Play the tape for Ss and ask them to learn Act Two, Scene 4 by heart. Then let them act it out. Remind them to speak with expression. Step 5. Writing task 1. Ask Ss to imagine what would happen after Henry marries Portia. 2. Ask Ss to work in pairs and imagine Henry fails in his business and es poor again. Then ask them to talk about the questions of Writing task. 3. Ask one student to pretend to be Henry and his partner to be Portia. Then let them make up a short dialogue in which Henry tells his wife the bad news. S tep 6. Homework 1. Ask Ss to review what has been learnt in this unit. Ask Ss to preview the next unit.


