
人教版高中英语高二上学期选修六教学设计:Unit 5 Trapped By The Flood .doc

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-60 words. 2. Discuss with your teammates. 3. Write down your opinion. 4. Each group choose the best to show your writing. 【设计意图】本环节旨在通过写作, 进一步巩固对文章的理解和运用, 尤其是对文章中重点单词、短语和句式的针对训练,以此提高学生的写作能力和自我保护意识。 Step 7 评测练习. 学生活动:仔细审题、认真作答、人称时态、固定搭配、主谓一致。 20 分。 Sara ’s husband Tony(1) _____to remind that she had better(2) _____a few things and go to her mother ’s place, because it had been(3) ______heavily for weeks and the river was(4)_____ higher. He feared that the whole valley would be(5)________. Tony ’s birthday ing, but he wouldn ’t get his(6)_______ for days. Just as she was(7)_______ for the car keys, Sara heard the ing. She put her baby on to her backpack. With the help of the car, she(8)________to the roof of the house . 【设计意图】本环节旨在考察学生对课文具体细节信息的理解和重点词汇的运用, 同时有意识地向高考题型靠拢,让学生感受语法填空的出题思路和解题技巧。


