

上传者:似水流年 |  格式:doc  |  页数:10 |  大小:0KB

、 In rural areas, most children will follow in their parents ’ footsteps and work on the farm when they grow up. 9、 They decided to help disabled child who lost one of her legs ina traffic accident. 10 、 You are asking too much of me. Ⅴ.Writing (20%) Write an essay about 200 words entitled The Value of Time. 试题答案Ⅰ ABACD CACBD BBABD Ⅱfaedidchgjmklon Ⅲ CABDB ACADD ADBAB Ⅳ1、 She was so excited that she couldn ’t help giving me a warm embrace. 2、 He thought the marriage between them was no more than a treaty deal. 3、 This pair of gloves will protect your hands from the cold . 4、 After promising start, pany ran in to heavy debt. 5、I couldn ’t put up with his arrogance ifI were you. 6、不劳无获广东自考招生中心 7、我非常羡慕你的新工作。 8、在农村, 大部分孩子都将跟着他们父母的步伐,当他们长大的时候就在农场工作。 9、我们决心帮助那个残疾的儿童,她在交通事故中失去了双腿。 10 、你对我要求的太多了。Ⅴ


