r disseminate virus in order to steal the password and reap fabulous profits illegally.一些不法分子利用互联网发送诱饵,传播病毒,窃取密码,非法牟利。Р解析:draw on the Internet v利用互联网Р解析:reap fabulous profits illegally v非法牟利Р15. Online business transaction is a twoedged weapon which can be used equally for good or evil. 网络交易是一把双刃刀,有利有弊。Р16. What is of the utmost importance is to make use of its merits and be careful about its demerits. 重要的是,我们要利用其利好及当心其弊端。Р17. It is the duty of every consumer to raise the awareness of wise buying. 消费者应该提高理性消费意识。Р18. The government should be urged to strengthen the censorship of online advertisement and severely penalize those illegal sellers. 政府应该被督促去加强对于网络广告的审查,处罚非法卖家。Р解析:The government should be urged to do sth 政府应该被督促去做……Р薛鹏全篇点评:小鹏哥原创语料库为拓展思路,抛砖引玉,组合即为完美范文,但是,为避免雷同,建议童鞋思考个性论据和例证,打造个性范文。