mple modification to the previous hash function is to include the source address in putation, i.e., XOR folding with both the destination IP address and the source IP address .This hash function can be expressed as:Рwhere Si and are the ith octets of the source and destination IP addresses respectively.РA.4 ChecksumРThe Checksum algorithm proposed in RFC791 [18] is relatively simple pute and is also a good hash function. In this paper, we examine its performance for traffic splitting. We feed the five-tuple as input to the 16-bit putation. The index of the outgoing link is calculated from the checksum result modulo by N. This hash function can be expressed as:РA.5 CRC16РThe 16-bit CRC (Cyclic Redundant Checksum) algorithm [19] has been proposed as a possible candidate for load balancing.