
(山东)山东省2016年高中英语 Unit 2 Poems Reading A few simple forms of English poems课件 新人教版选修6

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s 唐诗? Listen to the poems and figure out which kind of poem they belong to? Activity 2: Activity 2: Jigsaw puzzle Try to find out 5 other memebers who belong to the same group as you. Activity 3: Presentation!! ? Features of Nursery rhymes: ? 1. mon type of __________ ’ s poetry. ? 2. The language is concrete but _____________. ? 3. They __________ small children because they rhyme, have strong ________ and a lot of ___________. children imaginative delight rhythm repetition Hush, little baby, don ’ t say a word , Papa ’ s going to buy you a mockingbird . If that mockingbird won ’t sing , Papa ’ s going to buy you a diamond ring . If that diamond ring turns to brass , Papa ’ s going to buy you a looking-glass . Pay attention to the rhyme and language.


