
填料塔计算表scrubber design

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t x kmol Р Р Р Select vol. flow rate and mass flow rate from above, Р Selected mass flow rate = 0.277777778 Kg/s Р Selected vol. Flow rate = 0.234499 m3/s Р Selected molar flow rate = 0.009432183 Kmol/s Р Р Therefore, gas density = 1.1846 Kg/m3 (mass flow rate / vol. Flow rate) Р Р Р To find L', G' and Tower c/s area Р Assuming plete absorbtion, Р Component removed = 0.0207 Kg/s (molar flow rate x % comp. x mol. Wt.) Р Liquid leaving = 0.0420 Kg/s (Inlet liquid flow rate + comp. Removed) Р Р L' G 0.5 = 0.00497 Р G' L Р Р Using 0.00497 as ordinate, Refer fig.6.34 using a gas pressure drop of Р Р G' 2 Cf µL0.1 J = 0.04 (from graph) Р G ( L -- G) gc Р Р Therefore, G' = 0.04 G ( L -- G) gc 0.5 Р Cf µL0.1 J Р Р = 1.6665 Kg / m2.s Р Р Tower c/s area = 0.1667 m2 ( c/s area = mass flow rate / G' )


