untervailing duty determinations or actions made or performed by US authorities between 20 November 2006 and 13 March 2012 in respect of Chinese products; ?(iii) anti-dumping measures associated with the concerned countervailing duty measures as well as bined effect of these anti-dumping measures and the parallel countervailing duty measures; and ?(iv) the United States' failure to provide the US Department merce (USDOC) with legal authority to identify and avoid the double remedies in respect of investigations or reviews initiated on or between 20 November 2006 and 13 March 2012.РChina considers that these measures are inconsistent with:РArticles 10, 15, 19, 21 and 32 of the SCM Agreement;?Articles VI, X:1, X:2 and X:3 of the GATT 1994; and?Articles 9 and 11 of the Anti-Dumping Agreement.