光滑清楚,包膜完整,透声好。?(2)分叶囊肿型:此型基底部与关节腔相通, 有宽窄不一的蒂部管状结构,囊肿形态欠规则呈多样性, 囊壁厚薄不均, 可见粗细不一的光带及散在点状回声, 探头加压囊肿形态改变。?(3)囊液混浊型:囊肿呈单房或分叶状,囊壁毛糙增厚,内见密集光点回声或粗斑点状回声,呈悬浮状,可飘动,下垂部位可见回声分层,此型可见于囊内出血或感染。Р五、治疗Р原则:有症状才处理。?开放手术、关节镜手术。?开放手术:疤痕大,影响关节功能、易损伤血管神经、易复发。(在囊肿切除时要同时将关节囊缝合)?关节镜手术:微创、恢复快、关节功能影响小,复发率低。Р六、关节镜手术的方法Р方法一:Р成功治疗的关键是膝关节内相关病损的处理和重建滑囊与关节腔正常的双向流通,囊肿本身不应是外科治疗的主要目标!Р方法二:РFIGURE 1. (A) Schematic cross-section image of the knee with the opening of the connection. The image shows the location of the posteromedial portal and the anterolateral viewing portal. (P, popliteal cyst.) (B) Arthroscopic finding from the anterolateral portal of the right knee shows a connecting hole (curved arrow) at the partment that verifies the retraction of the capsular fold (C) by probing (straight arrow). (M, medial femoral condyle.)