s of DepressionРMajor Depression(重性抑郁症)Рmajor depression is bination(组合)of all symptoms that disturb the person's daily routine works, study, sleep, eating and enjoying habits. This depression appears only once but mostly occurs several times in a lifetime.РIt is less severe type of depression.From this depression, people don't disable because it does not involve all symptoms.This type of depression keeps people from functioning well or from felling good.Many people who are in dysthymia depression feel like major depression afger some time.РDysthymia Depression(心境抑郁)РBipolar disorder (躁郁症)РIt is also called as manic-depressive illness(狂躁抑郁症病).Bipolar disorder is characterized(特征)by cycling(循环)mood change dramatically (戏剧性的)and rapidly.The people in bipolar disorder feel like elated(兴高采烈的).