f peace of heart seen through behaviorРUnit 5 ?Healthy ?LivingР8Р2 Clarify the differences between disease and dis-ease.РTopics for presentationРText A ?Critical reading and thinkingРDis-ease refers to the imbalance arising from? -a continuous stress? -pain? -hardships?Disease is a health crisis ascribable to various dis-eases?Prompt elimination of dis-eases can alleviate some diseasesРUnit 5 ?Healthy ?LivingР9РText AРUseful expressionsРImbalance can arise from many different sources, such as continuous stress, pain, and hardships. How we eat, work out conflict, and navigate through life can negatively or positively affect our health. We who live consciously and intentionally have an amazing amount of power over our lives and health.РCritical reading and thinkingРUnit 5 ?Healthy ?LivingР10