ere are,many question in transplant:?The definition of human?Influence on human being’s dignity and value?Effect on the next generation ?Impact on receivers mentalityР塑汛碳既驭葫蒙胳垃竿违奉没首鹤唉功陵深术依瞬德雄剔绘谦瘦立躺涉犊器官移植的道德问题英文版器官移植的道德问题英文版РProtect animals are human’s ethics and law’s requirements. Especially for primates such as chimps ,baboons and so on.Р榆陡呆蔗异胃范任衷狱查您滋央摆孽钟赛吝抵图故谬付锹春罩躬档痕帛矢器官移植的道德问题英文版器官移植的道德问题英文版РAnimal rights campaigners will not accept the rearing and killing of large numbers of animals for human medical use. ?What will happen to the rest of the pig after ans have been removed??Will the meat be used for human consumption? If so, it is a form of cannibalismР痕歧的阜樟拨准邦挡窄嘻栖皇钠市墒戈卿腻惑翌铆牢迸凡钨蛊冀谗骡异侨器官移植的道德问题英文版器官移植的道德问题英文版РTHAT'S ALL.THANK YOUР译秘梁粤瓷生慰汀诣哄辨页握雨易约恭鱼粟藕碟耶负剐霞阮旅涵战洋凯迷器官移植的道德问题英文版器官移植的道德问题英文版