同下面的观点:?1.产品质量是检验出来的;?2.保证产品质量必需实施全检;РMcDonald's, the world's largest fast-pany, has about 30,000 restaurants around the globe. More than 460 are on the Chinese mainland. Many young Chinese love to eat at the international food chain. Some students even hold their birthday parties there. ?While to most people, McDonald's is no more than a place to stop for a quick meal, to others, it is a symbol of the bad effects of globalization. They feel it stamps out unique culture and threatens local eating places.Р100%的检验可靠吗??请用一分钟,彻底检查一下,字母“E”有多少个?Р产品质量是靠什么来保证的呢??Р思考:Р影响产品质量的活动介绍Р在产品寿命周期内,对质量有影响的主要活动从最初的市场识别到最终满足要求的所有过程,归纳为十一个阶段。Р市场调研Р产品设计和开发Р过程设计和开发Р采购Р制造Р验证Р包装和储存Р送货Р安装使用Р售后服务Р使用寿命结束或再生利用РISO9001:2015?质量管理体系要求Р是解决影响产品质量因素最常用的工具之一,也是全球应用最广的管理工具之一。Р第二章、什么是ISO9001:2015Р什么是ISO9001:2015?Р标准名称:Р质量管理体系要求