然地面开挖台阶.Р三.路堑 cuttingР1 分类 classification? 根据开挖深度: cutting depth ? 深路堑(>20m) deep cutting? 浅路堑 shallow cutting? 根据横断面形式: cross section? 全挖路基 full-cutting subbase? 台口式路基 benched subbase? 半山洞路基 half tunnel subbaseР2 构造 structuresР坡脚处设置边沟 side ditch?路堑上方设置截水沟 interception ditch?充分压实 paction?设置必要的排水设施 drainage facilityР四填挖结合路基? subgrade with both filling and excavationР§3-3 路基设计? design of subgradeР设计内容 the volume of design ? 1.选择路基断面形式,确定路基宽度与路基高度;? selecting subgrade cross section and determining subgrade width and high? 2.选择路堤填料与压实标准;? selecting materials and standard paction? 3.确定边坡形状与坡度;? determining slope type and batter? 4.路基排水系统和排水结构设计;? subgrade drainage system and structure design? 5.坡面防护与加固设计;? protection and consolidation of slope? 6.附属设施设计. ? design attached facilities of subgrade