Brief introductionРDenmarkР1932?78 years oldР“Leg GOdt”?Play wellРI collect;РI gather;РI learn!РTimelineР1932?Produced its 1st toyР1951?Wooden Plastic?LEGO BricksР1954?LEGO systemР1968?1st LEGO land?Top 10 panyРOle Kirk ChristiansenРLEGO BricksРDevelopmentРThe series of castleР1978----The first one of this seriesР1985Р1995Р2007РLink to fashionРSome crazy creationsРLEGO LandРSome crazy creationsРModel of some famous architecturesР70 thousands of LEGO BricksР1372 LEGO peopleРSome crazy creationsРOther amazing creationsРIn the End~РProvide us a new way to feel our cityРCreativity & Practical abilityРThank you~^-^