
otosclerosis 耳鼻咽喉科学教材

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has two main forms: ?an early of spongiotic phase (otospongiosis) ?The early phase is characterized by multiple active cell groups including osteocytes, osteoblasts, and histiocytes. It develops a spongy appearance because of vascular dilation secondary to osteocyte resorption of bone surrounding blood vessels. This can be seen grossly as red hue behind the tympanic membrane termed “Schwartze's sign”РPathophysiologyРotosclerosis has two main forms ?a late or sclerotic phase ?dense sclerotic bone forms in the areas of previous resorption. Both the sclerotic and spongiotic as well as intermediate phases may be present at the same time. Otosclerotic foci always begin in endochondral bone but may progress to involve endosteal and periosteal layers and even enter into the membranous labyrinth.


