e graphical representation showing the uses of the Workbench Variable.使用树图?Loops — displays a list of all feedback loops passing through the Workbench Variable.反馈图?Document — reviews equations, definitions, units of measure, and selected values for the Workbench Variable.?Dataset Analysis Tools?Causes Strip Graph — displays simple graphs in a strip, allowing you to trace causality by showing the direct causes (as shown) of the Workbench Variable.显示与所选择变量有直接关系的变量的模拟结果?Graph — displays behavior in a larger graph than the Strip Graph, and contains different options for output than the Strip Graph.?Table — generates a table of values for the Workbench Variable.?pare — compares all Lookups and Constants in the first loaded dataset to those in the second loaded dataset.Р分析工具РAnalysis Tool Output