rancisco Ballet as a soloist in 1995 and became a principal dancer in 1997. She has danced lead female roles in Tomasson’s Giselle, Swan Lake, Romeo and Juliet, Nutcracker; Tomasson/Possokhov’s Don Quixote; Morris’ Sylvia; and Lubovitch’s Othello. She created roles in Tomasson’s The Fifth Season, Chi-Lin, Silver Ladders, and 7 for Eight; Possokhov’s Magrittomania,Damned, and Study in Motion; Wheeldon’s Continuum and Quaternary; and Welch’s Tu Tu. Her repertory includes Ashton’s Thaïs Pas de Deux; Balanchine’s Symphony in C, Theme and Variations, Concerto o,Prodigal Son, and Apollo; Duato’s Without Words; Robbins’ In the Night,Dances at a Gathering, and Dybbuk; and Makarova’s Paquita.Р3/100РFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaР4/100Р在“卡门”中演出Р5/100Р6/100Р7/100Р8/100Р9/100Р在“巴黎圣母院”中表演Р10/100