

上传者:苏堤漫步 |  格式:ppt  |  页数:14 |  大小:2019KB

3, 1939. The building is five stories in height above ground, with the fifth story set back 35 feet. It contains 180 miles of shelving (compared to 104 miles in the Jefferson Building) and can hold ten million volumes. There are 12 tiers of stacks, extending from the cellar to the fourth floor. Each tier provides about 13 acres of shelf space.РThe dignified exterior of the Adams Building is faced with white ia marble. Today, the building's decorative style is widely admired for elements inspired by the Exposition des Arts Decoratifs held in Paris in 1925 and the use of new materials such as acoustical block, formica, vitrolit, and glass tubing. Decorative features and metalwork in the first floor lobbies and corridors and in the fifth floor lobbies and reading rooms are worth special note.


