grades for secondary school.?In other school system, there are three divisions: elementary school (grades1—6), junior high school (7—9), and senior high school (10—12).РEducation in the United StatesРGradeРAgeРPreschoolРKindergartenР5 - 6РElementary SchoolР1st GradeР2nd GradeР3rd GradeР4th GradeР5th GradeР6 - 7Р7 - 8Р8 - 9Р12 - 13Р10 - 11Р6th GradeР7th GradeР8th GradeР11 - 12Р9 - 10Р13 - 14РMiddle SchoolР9th GradeР14 - 15Р10th GradeР11th GradeР12th GradeР15 - 16Р16 - 17Р17 - 18РHigh SchoolРIV. Curricula for StudentsР1.Elementary School?Although the federal government has no national curriculum for education, almost every elementary school provides instruction in these subjects: language arts; math ;penmanship; science; social studies; music; art; and physical education.РPhysical ?Education