
Mark Twain-the mirror of America第一部分课文讲解

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night as the black wall ? Structure --- n.+of (像…)+n.? Imply --- the color “black” or “dark” and “night”? ---implies something hopeless. ? opposite to “day” and “daybreak’ and “light”? ---- “hope” or “hopefulness”. ? “a black wall of night”---- “despair and hopelessness”. ?e.g. He did not see a bright future but a dark one and a hopeless one.Рtramp:流浪汉? a person who has no home or permanent job and very little moneyРguerrilla 游击队员? a member of an unofficial fight group which attacks the enemy in small groups unexpectedly.РStarry-eyed optimist 耽于幻象的乐天派? a person disposed to take a favorable of view of thingsРacid-tongued cynic 语言尖刻的讽刺家? a person who believes the worst about people or the e of events Рrange across 浪迹? to travel without any definite plan or destination, a fairly literary use.


