s therein introduced to china.РRemember what a little ping-pong game did for the relationship between ?china and the USA in the 1970s??The "ping-pong diplomacy" melted the ice between the two countries, after ?which US president Richard Nixon paid a groundbreaking visit to China in ?1972.Р乒乓外交РPING-PANG STARР王励勤Р邓亚萍王皓Р郭跃Р孔令辉Р陈杞Р刘国梁Р马龙Р张继科Р许昕РZhangYiningРZhang Yining started playing table tennis at the age of 5 and at the age of 14, she joined the Chinese National Team. She has been holding the first place in the ITTF world women’s table tennis ranking from January 2003, an incredible achievement by any standard. In the last several years, she had always been at the top 3 spots in women’s rankings. Zhang Yining has a nick name of the "cool-face killer", because she never smiles in the game.