vilization and Mediterranean civilization in earlier history.Р到了公元前7世纪左右,古希腊人开始知道有一个东方的古国,但对这个古国文明的情况不甚了了。?In about the seventh century BC, the ancient Greeks began to learn about an ancient civilization to the east, yet knew little about it.Р考古学家已经证实,在丝绸之路没有开通之前,黄河流域、印度河流域到两河流域、尼罗河流域的草原上,已经有人踩出了一条时断时续的草原贸易小道,但这完全不能与丝绸之路相提并论。?Before the Silk Road, according to archeological findings, there had already existed an intermittent trade route on the grasslands from the Yellow River and Indus River drainage areas to the Euphrates and Tigris, and the Nile drainage areas, which was parable to the Silk Road.Р只有到了丝绸之路开通后,中国和欧亚大陆诸国才开始有真正的交往。?Yet munication between China, Central and West Asian countries, Africa and the European continent did not develop until the opening of the Silk Road.?Real, actual