
Week 11 英语专业阅读教程幻灯片

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It is the duty of family members to encourage the patient and help him conquer his fear and depression, rather than to consider euthanasia as the only way out.Р7РI. Continue with the additional task of last weekРSuggested arguments:?Doctor-pro: When a patient chooses euthanasia, a doctor should always respect the patient’s own choice.РDoctor-con: It is the doctor’s duty to cure and prolong the life span of patients.Р8РII. Text StudyРReading 1, Unit 4?A Crime passionРReading 4, Unit 4?When Relief Is Not EnoughР9РII. Text Study: Reading 1РAnswering questions:?What was Mac like when he was first admitted into the hospital??What was Mac like after he was in hospital for six months??What is the purpose of the description in Par. 7??Would you do the same thing as the author did?РComprehensionР10


