年4月23日修订) 2014/4/2 9 标准专利许可研讨会《《共同专利政策共同专利政策》》? mendations | Deliverables are non-binding ; their objective is to patibility of technologies and systems on a worldwide basis. To meet this objective, which is in mon interests of all those participating, it must be ensured that mendations | Deliverables, their applications, use, etc. are accessible to everybody. ? It follows, therefore, that a patent embodied fully or partly in a mendation | Deliverable must be accessible to everybody without undue constraints . To meet this requirement in general is the sole objective of the code of practice. The detailed arrangements arising from patents (licensing, royalties, etc.) are left to the parties concerned, as these arrangements might differ from case to case. 2014/4/2 10 标准专利许可研讨会