

上传者:相惜 |  格式:ppt  |  页数:21 |  大小:5358KB

略﹚:The first two sentences and the last sentence are helpful for you to understand the text. Reading strategy ﹙阅读策略﹚:The first two sentences and the last sentence are helpful for you to understand the text. Read it quickly ,underline the name of clothes and circle the price! ( First reading ) Come and buy your clothes at our great sale ! We sell all our clothes at very good prices . Do you like sweaters?We have green sweaters for only $15! Yellow sweaters are only $12! Do you need trousers? For boys, we have black trousers for only $22. And shorts are only $16! For girls, we have skirts in purple for only $20. How much are our jackets? Only $30! And we have black shoes for only $28. Socks are only $2 for three pairs ! Come to Mr. Cool ’ s Clothes Store now!


