Silk Road exchange d a lot of commodities inculding silk, furs, jade, jewelry and perfume . It promot ed the friendly contacts between Asia n and European countries and China. Ancient Silk Road ?驼铃古道丝绸路,胡马犹闻唐汉风。?无数铃声摇过渍,应驮白练到安西。?黄沙百战穿金甲,不破楼兰终不还。?丝绸茶叶陶瓷萃, 商贾僧人行旅偕。异域驼铃风雨路, 汉唐气象大胸怀。 International background The world's economic growth weakened, and it's recovery is weak. Many countries were facing economic hardship. China took this opportunity to put forward OBOR strategy concerened about the countries mentioned to realize a win-win situation. Domestic background One Belt and One Road , as an important long-term national development strategy. It h as five strategic issues including overcapacity Problem, Resources Acquisition , National Security ,and so on.