ional financial institution which is focused on supporting infrastructure construction of these 5 BRICS and other developing countries.РSIF is a state owned investment fund of the Chinese government to foster increased investment in countries along the One Belt, One Road, an economic development initiative primarily covering Eurasia.РThe five major ?Co-operationРpolicy coordinationРunimpeded tradeРfinancial integrationРfacilities connectivityРpeople-to-people bondsРimportant contentРpriority areasРimportant supportingРimportant guaranteeРsocial foundationРThe Back-up Force of OBORР1Р2Р3Р4Р5Р6Рland silk roadРmaritime Silk RoadР1. High-speed diplomacy ?2. Shanghai anization Development Bank ?3. Silk Road fundР4. Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) ?5. Nuclear diplomacy ?6. BRICS Bank