oid milk product, avoid lactose! 回避乳品、乳制品!回避乳糖! TEMPORARY LACTASE DEFICIENCY 阶段性乳糖酶缺乏 3 We believes that 我们认为, LACTOSE INTOLERANCE is not a disease ! 乳糖不耐受不是一种病! But, such LACTOSE INTOLERANCE might be temporary ! 这样的乳糖不耐受可能只是阶段性的! And, TEMPORARY LACTASE DEFICIENCY 阶段性乳糖酶缺乏 3 ? Temporary Lactase Deficiency (TLD) occurs when a baby is not producing sufficient levels of lactase enzyme and results in the inability to digest lactose. ? If not treated it causes the undigested lactose in dairy products to be broken down by bacterial activity which can result in fort. 当婴幼儿体内还没有准备好生成足够多的乳糖酶来分解吸收牛奶、乳制品、婴幼儿配方奶,甚至是母乳中的乳糖时,会产生“乳糖不耐”相应的不适,常见的有肠绞痛、腹泻等现象。这个现象我们称之为“阶段性的乳糖酶缺乏(TLD) ”。 TEMPORARY LACTASE DEFICIENCY 阶段性乳糖酶缺乏 3 We believes that 我们认为, to avoid lactose is not good. 回避乳糖不是一个好办法!