
英语1基础模块unit9 Would club would you like to join-课件【PPT演示稿】

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ends in English. □ I’ m good at writing. □ I’ m a member of the Chess Club in my school. √√√ Activity 3 Listen and tick. 听录音,标出张伟要参加的俱乐部。□ a. an English club □ b. a chess club □ c. a science club □ d. a cooking club Activity 4 Listen plete. 再听录音,完成张伟参加俱乐部的申请表。 Application Form Name: Zhang Wei Club to join: __________ Qualifications: __________; good at __________ Science Club physics math Activity 5 Read and underline. 阅读对话,用下画线标出申请参加俱乐部时会使用的语句。 Zhang Yan: Good afternoon, Miss Tang. Tang Hua: Good afternoon! What club do you like to join? Zhang Yan: I I’’ d like to join d like to join the English Club. Tang Hua: What qualifications do you have? Zhang Yan: Well, I like English and I can sing many English songs. Tang Hua: That ’ s great! Now fill in fill in this form, please.


