inactivated by heat,light , and all kinds of desinfectant,but can be stored indefinitely at low temperature) 。 1/23/2017 麻疹7病原(ETIOLOGY) 麻疹病毒(measles virus) ?存在于患者前驱期和出疹期的眼结膜、鼻、咽、气管等分泌物中( During the prodromal period and eruption period,it is found in sections of conjunctiva, nose , pharynx ,trachea and so on) 。 1/23/2017 麻疹8麻疹的发病机制鼻、咽短期繁殖病毒局部粘膜血流远处器官单核眼结膜(第一次) 巨噬细胞系统潜伏期大量繁殖局部症状血流(第二次) 前驱期全身症状 1/23/2017 麻疹9病理(PATHOGEY) ?全身淋巴组织增生,有多核巨细胞形成(Hyperplasia of all lymphoid tissue usually occurs,multinucleated giant cells may be found ) 1/23/2017 麻疹 10 病理(PATHOGEY) ?多核巨细胞(multinucleated giant cells) :多个巨噬细胞融合形成的具有核内外包涵体的巨细胞?网状内皮巨细胞也称华-佛细胞( reticuloendothelial giant cells or Warthin- Finkeldey cells) :存在于全身淋巴组织和肝、脾等脏器中?上皮巨细胞( epithelial giant cells ):主要位于皮肤、眼结合膜、呼吸道和消化道粘膜等处