rtues - is a humble and eachable heart 一颗受了伤,还愿意不断去学习、不断去爱、不断寻求医治的心是一颗最美的心 The most beautiful heart, is a heart that in spite of being hurt, still keep on learning, loving and growing. 爱就是彼此珍惜 To love is to Cherish Each Other 倾听就是爱,了解中有医治 Listening is Loving , There ’ s Healing in Empathy 只有当一个人感受到爱的时候他才会努力超越自己去做发自内心的有持久性的改变 Only when a person feel loved, from his heart he will seek the real, thorough, and permanent positive change. 当我们愿意去爱,去标明别人的善意和长处时就看见了上帝慈爱的面容 When we are willing to love, to highlight other people ’ s good intention and efforts, we will see the smiling face of the loving God. 我们可以让别人变成天使也可以让别人变成恶魔 We have the power to bring out either the best or the worst in others 爱是投其所好,而非——给己所要 To love to is give others what they need, but not to impose what I need onto them.