
商务契约关系课件 1-课件(PPT演示稿)

上传者:随心@流浪 |  格式:ppt  |  页数:125 |  大小:0KB

1977 as amended 1977 年修订的不公平合同条款法案◆ Consumer Credit Act 1974 1974 年消费信贷法案◆ Trade Description Act 1968 1968 年贸易描述法案◆ Consumer Transactions Order 1976 as amended 1976 年修订的消费交易法令★ The statutory provisions Section 1 : Sale of Goods Topic 1: Legislation process Sale of Goods Act 1893 → Sale of Goods Act 1979 as amended(SOGA1979) → Sale and Supply of Goods Act 1994(SSGA1994) → Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumers Regulations 2002. Topic 2: Why Legislate for Contracts of "Sale of Goods"? Purchasers had very little protection as the onus was on them to ensure that the products did not have any problems or defects. (the Roman law maxim of Caveat emptor,or let the buyer beware 罗马法格言:货物出门概不退还,一经出售概不负责,买者自负;买者注意,买方小心。) In order to fully protect the purchasers of goods(the consumers).


