
Conversational Implicature 会话含义 ppt课件

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pramatics, and psychology (the psychological basis of metaphor is to establish the assosiation of similarities of two things).?e.g. : (Hu, p.165)?a. We were on the same boat.?b. Freud lived here.РConversational Implicature 会话含义 ppt课件Р2021/3/26Р9РРThe limitation of Grice 's CPРFirstly, Sperber & Wilson (1986) think that there is no CP and human beings interation is a cognition activity whose basis is the relevance of utterances:?the words of every speaker in a communication should be related to the whole topic as well as the previous words that have been uttered; ?the efficient of interation involes two factors: the quantity of delivered message, and the processed quantity of the received message. In a word: 一句话的关联性越大,要求作出的推理越少,交际的效率变越高,反之。РConversational Implicature 会话含义 ppt课件Р2021/3/26Р10


