
《ISO 23601-2016_安全标识—疏散平面图标志_20160215》.pdf

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perspective of the facility, every escape Рplan shall incorporate an overview plan. РAn overview plan shall incorporate: Рa) the assembly point location(s); Рb) the overall facility/site plan with the specific section covered by the escape plan detail highlighted; Рc) a simplified representation of the surrounding area (e.g. roadways, parking areas, other buildings). РThe size of the overview plan shall not exceed 10 % of the area of the escape plan. Р7.3 Escape plan detail РThe escape plan detail shall incorporate: Рa) the floor plan of the relevant part of the facility that is modified to Р  eliminate non-essential details, Р  highlight important elements, Р  increase legibility and ease prehension, Р  orient the plan to the position of the viewer; Р4 © ISO 2009 – All rights reserved


