rent fatigue modeling techniques, materialР #4.Рgenerally speaking all fatigue models were able to ade-Рquately represent the fatigue behavior of the selected exper- produce a somewhat straight curve on the Log(N)–S plane.Рimental data, at least for the central part of the S–N curve, For example, when examining the stress level of 80 MPa,Рfor Log(N) = 3 to Log(N) = 6. In Fig. 7, where predictions the experimental average number of cycles could be calcu-Рfor the data of material #1 are presented, it is shown that lated as 77,985 and the corresponding estimated numbersРthe GP curve ‘‘follows” the trend of the experimental data from the GP curve and other methods as 63,095 andРmore effectively than the other three fatigue models that 107,152 cycles, respectively. Moreover, for the stress level