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n land, the tourist land increases rap idly, large am ount o f urban green space is invaded and occuР pied; 4) H aving acce lerated popu lation urban ization process in Lijiang, tourism industry es m ain channelР for residents to obtain em p loym ent in Lijiang C ity; and 5) W ith the rap id deve lopm ent of tourism industry, infraР structure construction has appeared to unconven tiona l deve lopm ent in L ijiang. Under great background o f tourismР deve lopm ent in China, the m echanism factors o f tourism urban ization in L posed o f the Р parative advantages of L ijiang, im petus from Yunnan Province governm ent and L ijiang loca l governm en,t partic iР pation o f private econom y and tourist consum ption.РK ey w ords: tourism urban ization; m echanism; character istics; Lijiang


