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lks through the countryside, Yours, Рand watch the villagers do their daily 67 . John Р Cathy Qin, a young American student, had this to say, “ 68 to In Search of Roots, I am beginning to Рunderstand my Chinese roots and who I am. It has been a great 69 , and I have so many memories of РChina to take with me.”Р62. has 63. roots 64. organized 65. brought Р66. culture 67. activities 68. Thanks 69. trip Р Р IV.Writing (12’) Р The following is part of a letter you receive from an English-speaking friend who ing on holiday Рto your country. Р “We will be spending a day in your town during our coach tour. Do you think we could meet? If so, Рwhat do you suggest we do? I've never been to your area, and it would be great to see you.”Р 株洲市 2008 年教师业务考试试卷初中英语第 7 页共 8 页株洲市 2008 年教师业务考试试卷初中英语第 8 页共 8 页


