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il re fining industry in the inРternationa l contest.РK EY W ORDS: O il re fining; Optim ization sca le; Sour crude o i;l Structure regu la tion; R ational layout; P roduct upg radingРDeve lopm en t and App lication of Sh ip G reaseРCao Y an li ( Petro lChina Y um en O ilfield G enera l R efin ing P lant, Y um en, G ansu, 735200, Ch ina) NGO, 2010, 28( 6): 4245РAB STRACT: In orde r to improv e adhesion o f ship grease, based on po lyeste r o il and MV I600 refined m inera l o il produced by Y um enРR e fining P lant, sapon ification isopropano l is adopted to produce basic grease through proper refin ing pro cess. Such functional add itivesРas tackifier, antirust ag ent and antiox idant are added into the bas ic grease under certa in cond itions to obta in g rease produc t. Inv estig a


