
电工电子学 第四版学习辅导与习题解答 浙江大学电工电子基础教学中心电工学

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361005РCollege of Information Science and Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, Shandong 266510РAbstract: puting models in vivo are an puting model inspired from the biological phenomena that the biochemical molecular in living putation, communications, and signal processing collaboratively. In this paper, a puting model in vivo for minimum dominating set problem is presented (Fig. 2), a synthetic work is constructed by RNAi and lactose operon in living cell. This model explores further the ability to solve hard problems based anism processing signal,and try to construct an intelligent molecule machine in cell. It may be widely and further used puting science, biology, and medicine.РKey words:puting in vivo;work;RNA interference;Minimum dominating set problem


