0 Ldstein H testing blcod aadР 发怒组被试比潜在怒组被试的怒情绪激活度和紧张 heart aager and expressed angerР 度有很大的差异,这一差异可看作两种怒形式导致 Medicine50988Ju—Р I lzard C The Р 不同的操作效果的一个辅助指标。同时,两组在操Р stem(Max)NewarkDelaware1979Р (HR2)2 Izard C identilying expressions Р 了操作前 ASA【,Рl 盂昭兰等:艨美怒与潜在怒救其功能Р 戴 ANGER 篍 ANDР FoRMS ANGER AND fHElR Р DIFFERENCES PERFoRMANCEР Zhaolan HuiР 癵 lPm&}HgР Р Two studies presented paperExperimentI Expressed anger and Р anger elicifing a procedure and their different functions adetourР performance illustratedExperiment甌 types anger the Р procedure 1 and 曲皊”瓾 was Р a verifying index+The results expressed and anger clearly ,Р and innbitory anger 协 existed 甌Р functions the two types anger significantly different 甌Р effects expressed anger 怙 anger .Р Key angeg angeq performanceheartratefunctioning