。Р 版栓, 1 糊.Р 辛弃疾有不少描写农村民光及农民生活的词,Р [3J 辛弃疾全集[M]. 成都:四)11文艺出版社, 1994.Р体现着他对朴素、结喜爱的农家生活的向往。《鹤鸪Р [4] 马克思患格斯全集:四十二卷[M]. :l t 京 z 人民出版社,Р天·戏题材舍》中"有何不可吾方羡,要庭都无饱Р 1979. Р便休"二句,豆接赞赏农人心境恬挠、容易满足的Р人生态度 d 鹏鸪天·代人黯》中"城中桃李替、风Р [囊任缉罐王搞社]Р雨,春在提头荠菜花"二句,是在赞颂荠菜花的品Р格,也是在赞臻农村人的品格,赞颂农村人的生命Р Life Philosophy in Poems of Lu You and Xin Qiji Р QUAN Li-zhou Р (Scb叫 of Chinese Langua萨阻d Literature , Shaanxi Normal Univel'8ity ,觅'811 71 仅泣. China) Р Abstract: Lu Y饨阻d Xin Qiji of Southem song D归回均 811 famous writeI'll still have some 严勇腾出at express life philosophy Рbesides vehement poems which sbow theír patriotíc affectíons.ηlese writíng嚣, which deeply implicate their open-mínded 皿d calm Рlife 8忧itud<四 with brillianùy 坦ters巧 grace. have the important value of 郎ught and 四.Р Key words: Lu You; Xin Qiji õ 0严n-minded; calm