aterstudy. PART II:parative Study ofDTS and DR Materials andMethods 65patients(89hips)all have performed hiparthroplasties andhad done DR and DTS exam atthesame timeduring 20 to20 2.DTS equipment isJapanese Shimadzu Sonialvsion Satire IITomosynthesis and DR equipment is German Siemens AristosⅣD(DR.Analysis Method issame withthepre-test. Results DR found 97 osteolysis around artificialacetabularand 34 osteolysis around femoral stem.DTS found 26 osteolysis around artificial acetabularand 209 osteolysisaround femoral stem.The differencebetween DTS and DR around artificialacetabular and femoralstem was statisticallysignificant.. Conelusion Around artificialacetabular,there Was statisticalsignificance between DTS and DR intheupper innerarea,the edge ofpubic and theedge ofischialWasstatistically