5= boots swollen 6. ear emergence Growth stages 50-59 GS50= first spikelet of head visible GS53= 1/4 of head emerged GS55= 1/2 of head emerged GS57= 3/4 of head emerged GS59= emergence of plete 7. flowering Growth stages 60-69 GS60= beginning of flowering GS65= flowering plete GS69= plete 8. milk development Growth stages 70-79 GS71= kernels watery ripe GS75= milky ripe 9.dough development Growth stages 80-89 GS85= Fingernail impression not held 10. ripening Growth stages 90-99 GS91= Difficult to divide by thumbnail GS92= Can no longer be dented by thumbnail 参考文献: 1.http://lubbock.tamu.edu/othercrops/pdf/wheat/wheatgrowthstages.pdf 2.iculture/plantsci/winter_cereals/Winter_wheat/CHAPT10/cvchpt10.php 3./shennong/wheat/train/002.htm 4. 金善宝主编.中国小麦学.北京,中国农业出版社, 1996