
2022年中考英语二轮复习:图画作文 专项练习题汇编(含答案范文+解析)

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o careless that he forgot to stick a stamp on this letter.\rso…that.如 此…以致 于 . 这句话意为 :他是如此的粗心以致于他忘记了贴邮票到这封信 上 .\r【解答 】 LastSunday morning, Henry told his dog to send some letters for him【高分 句型 一 】. It was easy\rfor his dog, because it often helped Herny do that. Then it ran to the post office quickly.(介绍时间,人物,\r事件开头)\rA moment later, the dog came back with a letter in his mouth. Henry was very surprised when he saw it. He\rlooked at the letter carefully, and then he found something was wrong with it. Henry realized he had made a\r而stake- He was so careless that he forgot to stick a stamp on this letter【高分句型二 】. Finallyhe tl1anked his\rdog.(详细介绍事件经过与结果)\r【点评 】 在解答写作这类试题时 , 要根据短文的中心思想考虑如何开头 、 展开和结尾 ,设想 几个承 上启\r下的连词,将 主要句型 、 关键词语草草记下 ,形成 提纲 , 写时切忌结构分散,废话连篇,严 重跑题 .


