o much Q much too\r1 .tomany\n“RS” TUVWI?XW$\rThere are too many students in our class. Y8Z[\RS\r]^\r2 .toomuch\n“RS" TU*VWI?$\rWe have too much work to do, Y8\RS\r_@?5\r3 .muchtoo`a"R" bTUJc?de?$\rThe box is much too heavy, so I can't carry it.\rfHRgChiYj*pk.\r44) can 0\r1.`alm:\rWe can carry the heavy box. Y8VijnpfH\rWho can sing an English song? opqrst\r2,`auvw*xyz{|? !/}~/:\rCan it be true? p\rYou can't be serious? *p
\r3,`a\nQmayx|? $\rCan I smoke here? YVi\rCan I go with him? YVi%4