nue to develop\rrelations with foreign countries in seeking a favorable international\renvironment for its reform and to make contributions to world peace\rand development.\rG¥¦§¨©asª«¬®¯ ¦§°±E$²³\r´µ ¥¶·ª«¸¹£º£¬`»¼P.\r5. I'll keep at itPwhatever the challenges might bePand never give\rup until I achieve success.\r¾-©¿ÀwÁÂD " - Ã Ä Å Æ Ç FÈÉP\r6. The latest research seems to imply that without the software of\remotional maturity and self-knowledge, the hardware of academic\rtraining alone is worth less and less.\r` ÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑuÒÓ£²DÔÕ4EÖM×?Ø\r¡4EÙMVWV=ÚÛP\rXIII.\r1 . B2. A3. C4. A5 . D 6.C 7 . B8 . A9. D 10. C\r11 , A12.D 13.C 14.B 15 . C 16.D 17.D 18.C 19.A20.B