2 v@xL\risn*t events that matter but our opinion 3 @/±\rof them, this is what he was talking 3 ²wx1 @/\rabout.\r¢E.£`¸¨©1\rPart one: This raises interesting\rquestions about the best training for\rtoday's business people.\rPart two: Raise your consciousness by\rcatching yourself in the act of thinking\ras often as possible.\r¢E.£`u{(language points)\r1 .scenic 2.drain 3.overgraze\r4.power plant .5.beroul 6.wildlife\r7. undertake 8.pledge. 9.perdictably.\rlO.know-nothing. H.windmill\r12.secure. 13.drought. 14.rolling\r15.disrinctly. 16.pump 17.freight\r18.graceful 19.western\r20.continentalt\r21.procession 22,make a mess of 23.all\rin all 24.burn to a crisp\r25. cut through\r26 .by chance