(L. 63)\rXYZ[ \]?#$^W_A?U\rWe should arrive at ten o'clock, barring any unexpected delays. (prep, if there is / are not).\rN o t h i n g (XYa*bcdef)can prevent her from becoming a\rmain attraction - Barbara is a star in the ascendant, (barring a major disaster)\r6. Listening & Speaking (7th and 8th p gj A9()min)\rer 0( s\r6.1 listen to short conversations, long conversation and passages\r6.2 learn the skills of shorthand note-taking and infemng while listening to short\rconversations, long conversations and passages of recognizing numbers and\rplaces, and the skills of notes-taking\r6.3 learn to the expressions of making generalizations and conclusions\rReflections :