usic she listens to always has a clear, strong rhythm and the\rmusic has a message for us to think about. Also, the words in the\rmusic are just like poems, so beautiful and easy for us to\rremember.\r---67-\rS ectio n B\rReading S k ills\rR eading FOT the Key Id eas in Sentences\rp?\rR eading S k ills\rI. Study the m odel and w rite the key idea for\reach of the follow in g senten ces.\rTEXT\rThe R ight Son a t th e R ight Time\rT69T\r--70--\rNew Words\r®\r..-7 J...\r??33??6 7 2 =\r??? \r/\r4.91% ?.\r? !?\r"!? #$?\r \rPhrases and Expressions\rT73T\rExercises\rComprehension of the Text\rT74\rVocabulary\r-75M\r]76-